Individual Needs
Individual Health Needs
Information on the procedures for the Management of Pupils with Healthcare Needs can be found here: Procedures for the Management of Pupils with Healthcare Needs (WLC) (PDF, 430 KB)(opens new window)
Individual Learning Needs
Delivering appropriate provision for pupils with additional learning needs is central to the national commitment to inclusion and is underpinned by legislation. West Lothian Council believes that all children and young people are entitled to learn together. This will help develop a culture of acceptance within which all children have a presumptive entitlement to mainstream education and services provided to facilitate this goal.
Focus on Inclusion is designed to help schools in partnership with parents/carers, pupils and partner agencies to evaluate effectiveness of provision in improving educational outcomes and opportunities for pupils with additional learning needs. See WLC Inclusion policy (opens new window) for more details.
If you feel that your child needs additional support, information and advice is available from your school in the first instance. Mrs Evelyn Russell is the Deputy Head Teacher responsible for student support and House Heads can assist you too.
Enquire is the Scottish Advice Service for Additional Support for Learning. Operated by Children in Scotland, Enquire offers independent, confidential advice and information on additional support for learning through:
- a telephone helpline - 0345 123 2303
- an email enquiry service - (opens new window)
- an online enquiry service (opens new window)
- two websites - (opens new window) (for parents/carers and practitioners) and Reach.Scot (opens new window) (for children and young people)
Enquire also provide a range of clear and easy-to-read guides and factsheets explaining everything from 'additional support in the early years' to 'what planning should take place for moving on from school'
The school also has provisions for pupils with autism and further information on this resource can be obtained from Mrs. Susi Davidson PT English, Literacy & ASD.
We recognise that some of our students or their parents may have individual needs and we are happy to work with them to ensure that they have full access to our services. The following is an indication of some of things we can do to help:
Translations of documents
Information is available in Braille, tape, large print and community languages. For interpretation and translation services please telephone West Lothian Council's Customer Service Centre on 01506 280000. More information is available on West Lothian Council Website (opens new window)
Deaf Parents or Carers
Parents and carers can have help from a British Sign Language interpreter at meetings and events. Contact can be made by using the Contact Scotland website (opens new window) or alternatively you can use the Next Generation Text Service also known as Text Relay by dialling 18001 + 01506 2800000.
Support Assistants
Some of our students require extra help in the classroom or with moving around the school. Support assistants are available to help pupils with identified needs. Further information on the help available can be obtained from the In School Support Department.
Appointment Times
We have a flexible approach to appointment times which can be offered outwith the normal school day. Office staff will be happy to assist you in arranging an appointment with school staff.
Parents' Consultation Evenings
Alternative arrangements can be put in place to enable parents to attend.
One to One Meetings
We offer one to one meetings to discuss appropriate support strategies.
Transition Arrangements
We make contact with students with individual needs before they transfer from primary school to ensure that appropriate arrangements are in place.
Pupil Support Team
The Pupil Support Team based in the school is able to offer support to students who may be experiencing difficulties in their family life which can affect their performance at school, for example, bereavement. The pupil support team can be contacted by telephoning the school or by emailing
Mrs. Evelyn Russell, Deputy Head Teacher (Student Support) would be happy to provide further advice and guidance on how we can support students and their families with individual needs.