Welcome to The James Young High School
We all want children to have a breadth of understanding and success in the academic world. But even more, we want them to have the broader skills and attitudes necessary for a fulfilling life - the ability to work with others, problem solving skills, a positive attitude, the desire and ability to keep on learning, a sense of confidence in their own capacities and future as well as the understanding of what it means to be a responsible citizen who contributes effectively to society. We want them to have a range of experiences where they can achieve all of this and so much more, where they feel a sense of achievement, dignity and worth.
This is the educational experience we all wish for our young people and we work tirelessly to build relationships based on genuine shared vision with the community, and which are founded on trust, respect and integrity. We want to be creative in ensuring real parental involvement in learning and be innovative in how we develop engagement at all levels. With this in mind, it is essential that communication between the school and home is effective, timeous and considered at all times and that our partnership remains one of strength.
Our website has been developed through a strong partnership with parents, pupils and staff, and is designed to give you as much information as possible about the work of the school. If, however, you would like more information or if you would like to visit us, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
We look forward to working with every member of the school community - our young people, staff, parents and partners, as we continue to build upon the excellent reputation of our school.
Miss P. Gallagher (Head Teacher) & the staff of the James Young High School.