JYHS Debating Club
The JYHS Debating Club is open to all pupils who are interested in discussing contemporary issues in an open and constructive manner. The debating club runs throughout the school year and provides an opportunity to discuss issues with your peers, whilst also competing against other schools.
Who Can Attend
All JYHS pupils from S1 to S6 are welcome
Where We Meet
In the English Department at JYHS
When We Meet
Mondays 1.10pm - 1.55pm for S1 to S3 pupils
Thursdays 1.10pm - 1.55pm for S4 to S6 pupils
Contact Details
Name: Mrs K. McKeown and Mr F. Mannah
Telephone: 01506 414244
Email: kirsty.mckeown1@westlothian.org.uk or foday.mannah@westlothian.org.uk