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JYHS Percussion Ensemble

The JYHS Percussion Ensemble provides all pupils who learn percussion, as well as pupils who are interested in percussion, with the opportunity to play together in a group.

The ensemble offers opportunities to take part in concerts and competitions.

The Percussion Ensemble is formed at the start of the school year in September and rehearses every two weeks throughout the school year with performances at the JYHS Christmas and Summer Concerts.

Percussion Ensemble

Who Can Attend

All JYHS percussion pupils and anyone interested in 'having a go' on percussion

Where We Meet

The Percussion Room at JYHS (opposite the Music Staff Base)



When We Meet

Thursdays 1.10pm - 1.55pm (every second week)

Contact Details

Name: Ms S. Naish

Telephone: 01506 414244



Events / Activities

The Percussion Ensemble takes part in the JYHS Christmas Concert in December and the JYHS Summer Concert in June (check the calendar for this year's dates).

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