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JYHS Rock Band

JYHS Rock Band rehearsals allow pupils to form rock bands, cooperate, practice material together and take part in concerts. The club opens pathways to concert performances within school, in the wider West Lothian community and beyond.

Rock bands are formed at the start of the school year in September and rehearsals take place fortnightly throughout the year with opportunities to perform at both the JYHS Christmas and Summer concerts.

Rock Band

Who Can Attend

Rock band rehearsals are open to any pupils willing to work hard and dedicate themselves to attending rehearsals and concerts. We will endeavour to form bands and try to find a suitable group for you to join.

Where We Meet

Large Classroom in the Music Department at JYHS



When We Meet

Currently an informal arrangement - dates and times agreed with Music Department staff

Contact Details

Name: Mr. B Dobson

Telephone: 01506 414244



Events / Activities

The following events are open to rock bands (check the calendar for this year's dates):

JYHS Christmas Concert

Annually in December

Rock bands may be invited to perform at the JYHS Christmas Concert. This is an excellent opportunity for family and friends to watch the bands perform in a relaxed and festive concert. Tickets can be purchased in advance from the JYHS school office.

The Big Gig

Annually in March

The Big Gig at Linlithgow Academy gives rock bands in West Lothian a chance to perform with a fully qualified sound engineer and 'top notch' equipment.

Bathgate Battle of the Bands

Annually in April

The Battle of the Bands allows all rock bands across West Lothian to compete in the Bathgate Music Festival and if successful progress to the final.

JYHS Summer Concert

Annually in June

Rock bands may be invited to perform at the JYHS Summer Concert. This is an excellent opportunity for family and friends to watch the bands perform and see the fantastic progress made since the start of the school year. Tickets can be purchased in advance from the JYHS school office.

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